Tuesday, December 29, 2009

College Hill: The Realities of Reality TV

If viewers were to describe BET’s College Hill in one word, there’s no doubt it would be DRAMA. The fist fighting, binge drinking, college coed’s consistently keep fans captivated year after year with their crazy antics and clashes in personalities.
And College Hill: South Beach was no exception.
However, in the midst of all the chaos one cast mate seemingly kept his calm. Paul Georgiadis, the laid back 20 year old Miami, FL native, approached the show as if he was there on vacation.
"A reality show is easy to get on, it's probably the easiest to get on", explains Georgiadis.
The silent, but sound Paul knew why he was on the show and took full advantage of this opportunity. Rewind to pre-College Hill, and Paul will be the first to tell you he's had his fair share of run-ins with the law.
"I was young and dumb. Back then I thought I was in Belly", referring to the classic Hype Williams flick.
The suave Paul kept his cool on the show, rarely being the center of attention unlike his fellow housemates. Paul expressed that there were microphones on every single cast member at all times, and they were to go nowhere by themselves. Additionally, Paul noted the extensive amount of idle time they were given-a big reason for the amount of tension created on the show.
"Everything in the house was real…", Paul emphasizes, "…All the fights, all the arguments, everything you saw on the night vision...Was real!"
Taping lasted for two months, after the show Paul found himself at a life crossroad, wondering what his next move would be. Being accepted to Florida A&M University three years prior to filming, he decided that this is where the next chapter of his life was going to begin. The Broadcast Journalism major made clear that he was interested in film school. Having various conversations with some of College Hill producers and directors, Paul noticed that, that may be the way to go.
"Filming and directing is stress-free money, but becoming a producer takes a bit more work to get up there."
The young guy says he's motivated by money and that his drive and ambition should determine his character, not his stint on reality TV.

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