Tell us a little about NYP, its origins and where it is now?
The Tallahassee Network of Young Professionals (NYP) was established in 2003 to foster personal and professional growth by connecting its members through fun and engaging activities, while simultaneously offering career enhancing opportunities. We are focused on all aspects of a young professionals’ life, and our events and gatherings offer a chance for young professionals to explore Tallahassee and meet its residents in a casual atmosphere. NYP allows you to network in different settings and opens a door to building lasting friendships.
Over the past 7 years, we’ve built a network that reaches over 1,000 local young professionals in our community. We believe 2010 will be a year in which NYP really takes off. We’ve seen a very promising and exciting increase in attendance at our events, and expect the trend to continue as more young Tallahasseans discover what NYP has to offer. Our goal for 2010 is to recruit 150 new members.
What are some current initiatives and events that NYP is working on presently?
On Friday, January 29th, NYP is hosting its 5th Annual Hometown Hoedown at the Tallahassee Museum from 7-11 P.M. The event, benefitting the museum, will feature live music by Jimmy Gillis, nighttime tours of the museum, a bonfire, southern food and cold drinks. Admission is $20, but includes unlimited food and drinks. A $5 discount will be given to those who renew or purchase a NYP membership for 2010. However, you do not have to be a member to attend the Hometown Hoedown—it is open to anyone who is looking for a new way to meet young professionals in our area.
Additionally, we’ve designated February as Membership Month for 2010. Throughout the month of February, NYP will host a series of events aimed at attracting potential new members. Membership Month kicks off with Hometown Hoedown, followed by our monthly 535 Happy Hour at the Winery at the Red Bar, a Connect YP luncheon that is co-sponsored with the United Way of the Big Bend’s For Young Leaders Only, and a How To: Make Sushi event. It’s a great way to sample what we have to offer.
What impact do you seek to make on the Tallahassee area?
We want to show the young people in our city the more vibrant side of Tallahassee—that we are not just a sleepy college town. Additionally, we want to enrich the city as a whole by providing talent and valuable resources to local businesses and cultural organizations. It’s an exciting time to be a young professional in Tallahassee, and we know we have an opportunity to help shape our city’s future.
What is the ultimate goal of NYP?
Our mission is to make Tallahassee a city where young professionals choose to live, work, play and stay. NYP is not a place to merely exchange business cards, but an organization intended to help you enjoy Tallahassee, while uniquely intersecting the benefits of enhancing your social and professional life.
What are the benefits of joining NYP?
As a paid member of NYP, you receive access to our entire network of over 1,000 local young professionals. Additionally, members enjoy discounts at many NYP events. Annual dues are $36 for a 12 month membership (February-February).
What characteristics do you look for in members?
We are not just a network—we are your peers. We are young, motivated professionals who are seeking to network, socialize and broaden our professional horizons while remembering to have a little fun along the way. However, you do not have to be a member or even a "young" professional to participate in any of our events. If you are energetic and enthusiastic about Tallahassee's young professional community, we would love to have you join us.
If someone wanted to get involved, how would they go about getting involved? Where could they receive additional information?
The best way to get involved in NYP is to attend one of our events. A great way to start is by checking out our 535 Happy Hour, which is held the first Wednesday of every month at a different local bar or restaurant (see our website for a listing of upcoming events). All you need to do is show up—there is no cover and these happy hours are open to everyone, whether or not you are a paid member. You have no excuse to say you don’t know where to meet anyone your age, because every month we provide an opportunity to do so!
Personally, this is how I was first introduced to NYP. I’d heard of NYP happy hours, but I was always reluctant to go by myself. However, one day after seeing something in the local paper about an upcoming 535 Happy Hour, I decided to go—what did I have to lose? I went by myself, but I wasn’t by myself at all that evening. I met some great people that night, and I’ve gone to almost every event since!
If you are interested in becoming a paid member to experience all of our benefits, you can purchase your membership online at our website,
Or, if you simply want to learn more about our organization or information about upcoming events, you can visit our website (, join our
Facebook page , or follow us on Twitter (@tallahasseenyp).